Calstock Bell Ringers
Bell Restoration Project
The Re-dedication Service
Saturday 23rd November 2019 brought a host of ringers and non-ringers to Calstock to celebrate the completion of the bell restoration project and other work around the church. Amongst those present were clergy, both active and retired, church wardens from around the benefice, people named on the new headstocks or whose relatives were named, sponsors, local council members and parishioners. Visiting ringers came from far and wide to join the celebration.

The proceedings began at around 4.30 with open ringing. Groups of all skill levels joined together to ring everything from rounds to call changes and method. There was some exceptionally fine ringing including a touch of Bob Minor, rung to demonstrate how easily the tenor can now be handled. Shortly before the start of the service a group entirely composed of Calstock ringers took over the ropes; the youngest (Daniel Hughes), oldest (Doug Petipher) and newest (Jane Weatherby) members of the band were joined by three stalwarts of the group (Karen Alderton, Ian Courtis and Peter Bonsey).
The service which was conducted by the Rt. Revd. Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro included the traditional exchange of a rope to represent the transfer of the bells from the bell foundry to the diocese and parish. Simon Adams from John Taylor & Co of Loughborough handed the rope to the Church Warden, Mary Staff, who asked Bishop Philip to re-dedicate the bells. The Bishop then passed the rope to the Rector, Chris Painter who duly passed it to the Tower Captain, Sue McClaughry, each in turn undertaking to keep the bells in good order and ensure their proper use.

The service was rounded off with Geoff Hill, Sue McClaughry, Mike Erith, Kevan Borlase, Owen Borlase and Simon Adams taking the ropes to mark the occasion. Refreshments then followed and further ringing continued into the evening, even Bishop Philip had a ring.