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The people who helped

A project like this cannot work without the help of many people - it's not just a question of financial support - there's a whole network of companies and individuals who donate time and equipment. Thank you to all of them.

Chris Facey used his amazing tele-lifter to get the bells through the lychgate, with the help of his son John. Cyril Worth and his son Andrew generously took the bells to Loughborough for us. Julian Clinkard spent half the week with us putting his hand to any task that needed doing.

Richard Harnett of Kernock Park Plants leant us a pallet truck, without which we could not have moved the bells as far as the lychgate. Spinnaker International Ltd donated the pallets which Steve Alford collected and brought to the church.

Patrick McClaughry, Mike Erith and Ian Richardson all helped dismantling and lowering the bells. Li Selman and Ann Sutcliffe worked to ensure the school children had a visit to remember. Mary and Fred Staff, with an enthusiastic team, kept our visitors supplied with refreshments. The bellringers acted as guides, supplying help and information to all those who came to see the bells.

But far and away the most long running and continuous support has been given by Kevan and Owen Borlase without whom the project could never have run so smoothly.


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